- on this episode, we come tocharity: water and get deep. (hip hop music) - [gary] you ask questions, and i answer them. this is the #askgaryvee show. - hey everybody, this is gary vay-ner-chuk and this is episode 210 of the #askgaryvee show. i'm excited aboutthis one, india. - [india] mhmmm.
- we've a phenomenal guest, dear friend of mine for a very long time. i know a lot of you in thevayner nation will know the organization and this finelooking gentleman as well. but scott for all the people athome that don't know, who are you and then tell us a little bit about where we are and what you do and then india we will get into the show. hope everybody had awonderful weekend. i'm feeling good.
it's a nice day in new york. - sure, man. charity: water based herein tribeca in new york city. we've been at it for about 10years trying to make sure every single person onearth drinks clean water. and unfortunately,-- - [gary] and for peoplethat are undereducated-- - yeah. - like i used to before we raninto each other, how many of
those people exist thatdon't have clean water? - so there are 663 millionpeople living around the world without access to clear water. so, it's about one in every10 or 11 people on the planet. yeah, this is a challenging issue because no one faces this problem here. our kids don'tdrink dirty water. our moms don't walk 8 hours with 40 pounds of nasty water on her back.
it is a reallyforeign problem to us. but it's real. it exists and it affectsabout a 10th of the planet. - and when did charity: waterbegin? and why? - almost 10 years ago.- okay. - on my 31stbirthday in september. september 7th so we're comingup on our 10th anniversary. it began because i saw this problem. you and i actually grew upvery close to each other.
- hunterdon county, baby. - i moved to thecity at 18 or 19. rebelling against thevery conservative christian upbringing and i have foundmy way into nightlife so i basically lost a decade. - he's gonna underplay this. this guy is a legendamongst legend in that world. - so i got people drunk for 10years and got very, very good at the velvet rope and the one-wayglass and the great djs and
all the right people at the party. had picked up pretty much everyvice you can imagine short of a heroine after a decade ofpartying and just kind of hit bottom at the top. realized that i had becomethe worst person i knew. i was morally bankrupt. - you were unable to look around and say that guy is worse than me. - no, that is actually true.
i was the worst guy.people don't believe this. i have to go find old footage and i find these old emails sometimes that i wrote andi'm just like what an a. like what a jerk i was. i remember once i mean thisreally, this is horrible someone delivered food once whatever version i think it was cosmo.com back in the day.- yes.
- and someone deliveredsomething and they asked me to sign it and i didn't, theydidn't have a pen and i spent like five minute yelling atthem for not having a pen. - right. - there's only one thing that you need to do which is bring a pen. i was that guy. - you got to a real bad place.- i got to a really bad place. - and by hitting bottom yousprung up to a totally different
version of yourself. - big life change. came back the faith butreally interested in service and service to the poor and kind of living the opposite values that i was living my life ofselfishness and decadence. i made a radical change, i sold everything i owned down to my dvd collection. i put it up on a lotin ebay like 1500 dvds.
- yep. which is big back then kids.- you know? - give up all your apps. - i even had multiples. and then i wound up imaginingwhat with the opposite of my life look like and thatwould be service to the poor. serving someoneelse except myself. - i'm going to jump in here forjust for a second in the context of the business show and a lotof you that are, this man helped
me change the way i viewed, i'll never forget it, told me, "gary, you're going "to be the kind of guy who's going to do really "well and that when you're olderyears you're going to deploy "that wealth and do good things. "why don't you juststart doing it now?" completely changed, not only the way that i give but a lot of things in my life. very few people have beenable to penetrate me and change
me in any way, you guyshear that all the time. i even talk bout my parents' lack of ability to at times to do that. what i find most fascinatingabout that and this is for all of you entrepreneurs andhustlers because i know you watch the skills that made himthe best at getting the hottest models and the best bottles andthe best places and the best djs he has been able to bring thatmarketing, that charisma, that operations skillsto a world of good.
and i have been blownaway and intrigued. that's why also got involvedin pop, pencils of promise, and other things. show me people that have theskills that would work in the profit sector and deploy them in the nonprofit, cause, ngo whatever you want to call itsector and you'll show me a place that i'mmore intrigued by. because it's got that
entrepreneurial-dna-hustler-ship. watching you navigate over thelast decade, getting the people together that have becomeinvolved in this organization it's all the same skills that somany of your trying to attract to deploy success for yourselvesand for the ones that are watching like myself that you've gotten into a place where maybe you've scratched some of those itches and you want to do other things with your life now whether thatis for cause or things of that
nature, for yourfamily members, whoever. understanding deploying thatsame energy and dna against the new mission at hand. i've watched you build thisorganization from afar with your amazing team and so many ofthe tactics, the strategies, the executions are predicated onthings that are tried and true in entrepreneur land andnightclub culture and things of that nature. - it was storytime.
for 10 years, i told the storythat your life had meaning if you got past the velvet rope andyou were sitting with the pretty girls and the pretty boys and youwere popping $500 of champagne or at a table wherethat was happening. - yes. - that was the wrong story formy life and took me to a very dark place and i've been fortunate to be able tell a different story. that if you are generous,if you are compassionate,
if you show empathy for others, if you live your life in service and your time and your talent and yourmoney in the service of others then your life has more meaning. and that you find freedom actually outside ofthe selfishness. when you serve others there is afreedom that comes with that and i was fortunate tofind my way out. so long story short, i selleverything i try to apply to a
humanitarian organizations andof course no one will take me because they're serious people.- yes. - these are seriouspeople with suits and degrees. and they've come out of hugeun agencies and the world bank. so i can not get a volunteerjob and then finally one organization said if i paid them$500 a month and i was willing to go live in liberia on ahospital ship, i could volunteer. and i was very fortunate tosee that i could turn the 15,000 people in my club list that igotten drunk for a decade and
just tell them a new storyand they wanted to help. so i'm running around witha camera talking about the problems that we're seeing,the people that were sick, the intervention of these doctorswho were transforming lives and then i stumbled upthis water problem. where we sawsickness everywhere. doctors were leaving theirvacations behind and instead coming to operate and take careof sick people in liberia but yet half the countrydidn't have clean water.
i'm like well if 50% of thepeople in the country are drinking from swamps and pondsand rivers, how come no one is talking about this? how come the biggest water onlyorganization in the country 10 years ago was raising$15 million a year. - yep.- i found water through health. i later learned it impacts education, it impacts the local economy, it gives time back to women.
water is this amazing, amazingfoundational thing but at the time it's just like people aregoing to be sick if they are drinking dirty water. and in fact 53% of all disease throughout the developing world is because bad waterand lack of toilets. so you get to play doctor to half of the sick people in the world. it was a compelling issue for me.
and still at it 10 years later.- i'm proud of you, brother. you've done somereally great work. we'll get into more of that workbut india i think for the people that are looking for somequestions and answers that have hit us up on facebook,-- - let me just say on your ideafor people that are listening, that idea of givingwhile you're building it-- - yes.- it's traditional model. it's the buffett model.
make all this money and then in your old wise age give it all away. - yes.- the fun that he missed out on. he's probably having fun now watching gates spend some of his money. you get to live vicariouslythrough all these organizations that you support.- yep. - and i know you've alsosupported with thought capital and i've asked you forintroductions before.
so even more the money. i mean i would encourage anyonelistening to find something, you don't have to write a huge check but don't wait until the end. because the worldis a better place-- - for a small percentage thathave been successful the money is easier part. the social equity of passing ona relationship, the sitting and planning and strategizing andhaving drinks and
navigating how you're navigating through the organization those of the real things. india, let's get intothis very important show. - very important.- yes. - first one from taylor. - [voiceover] taylor asks,"what's been the biggest key in "establishingcharity: water story? "how have you been ableto connect so well?" - oh man, i think the biggest key was understanding what
people thought was wrongabout charities. and i think that's truefor a lot of entrepreneurs. they start and say whatproblem am i trying to solve? - i apologize for a lot ofpeople and there are so many youngsters and these are thingsthat maybe you just aren't aware of one of the things that peoplestart really worrying about is wait a minute if i give a dollar why is the cause onlygetting $.14. - why is the thing only getting$.31 and you start unwinding,
wait a minute, bigsalaries, bureaucracy, politics, kickbacks. really gnarly stuff and thatis absolutely, take it from somebody who came from verylittle when you work your face off to amass what you have ifyou're giving it away to things you really want to feel goodabout where it's going and a lot of people struggledwith that and i said that was an absolute pillar for you guys. - and that was problem number one.
so 42% of americansdon't trust charity. think about that. we have this amazingheritage as this giving country. - we are the giving country. - but almost half the people that could give don't trust the system. and it's all around money. so that was reallyproblem number one. - i don't trust themainstream system.
- and a lot of people don't. - i actually have said this, i actually think you and two or three others biggest impact ever is that you guys have become the cool versions for the nextgeneration and every kid growing up right now wants to havean organization that's more transparent and that you guyswill all solve and tackle and move the ball in your causesbut your impact on all the 13 to 22-year-olds right nowthat look up to three or four
organizations are the mostprogressive, that you have been at the forefront of, i think your impact is far greater on what you do to the entirelandscape of ngos then just the mission you have here. - well, that was the vision. the beginning wasto reinvent charity. so most people just knowus through the mission-- - and i believe thoseare very different.
the mission is to giveclean drinking water. make sure there's a day whenwe are not doing this interview talking about water. all of our kids, who are aboutthe same age, are growing up. - solve it. next. - my team is not coming in totheir school showing pictures of kids drinking nasty water. that's the mission. but you're right the vision was to do charity differently.
charity is a virtue. there's a lot of talk thesedays about good businesses. - there is a role and a placefor pure philanthropic capital. there are companies out therethat are trying to solve the water crisis throughselling bottled water. they sell at $2.30 bottle ofwater and five cents goes. okay? it's better to just get a bunchof people to give five cents instead of buying the water.
i believe there'sa place for it. - like every model you have certain people that start with a good mission at hand where buy one, give one and then every huckster comes along and here i wantto raise $15 million for my umbrella company. gary, goodnews for everybody who buys an umbrella i'm going to givean umbrella to some kid that doesn't need it. it becomestactics over religion.
- but that was it. 100% of the public's money wouldbe the way we'd solve it. we would go find a group of visionary people who didn't distrust charity and we can get fund the staff and the operations that we would have. that's a group of 110 people today, many who have been on your show. i know you and your wife havebeen long-term supporters of that but it is a verysimple model:
there are two bank accounts. 110 people pay for the overhead, 1 million people have been able to give in a pure way. so we say you don't trust wherethe money's going how about this: 100% of your money, weeven pay back credit card fees. this costs us hundreds ofthousands of dollars a year so if someone were to give $100bucks on their amex because lizzie and i you can give your$17 and every one of them and i'm not joking and everyone of those pennies goes--
- and we don't get 17. we get $16.81.- yeah. - we actually take yourmoney to make up the difference. so that every dollarcan go to the field. - don't stealthose 19 cents, drock. - we just try to connect peopleto the impact that was having. because money was not fungible.- yes. - these bank accounts wereseparate and they were audited separately wecould track dollars.
so i could say to a kid, to yourdaughter, she did a birthday campaign, she can see actualphotos and gps of those wells. - before we go here and i need to move this along. the birthday campaign. i don't want to miss itbefore we get into it. this was a monumental thing from afar from amarketing standpoint. - we got lucky.we stumbled into it. - but instead of giving the fullstory you can look this up and
google it but givethem at least what it is. - people instead of throwing aparty or accepting gifts because we have enough crap and we get stuff we don't even need for our birthday. and we don'treally need parties. - it's your 33rd birthday,-- - you donate it and youask your age in dollars. 33-year-olds ask for $33. - right so you ask your homies,you send an email, put up social
media posts instead ofgetting me a gift, give $33. - and seven-year-olds as for seven dollars and 89-year-olds ask for $89. this has helped amillion people get water. - i was just going to say,what has been the impact of this campaign? - the average for person raises$1,000 from 15 of their friends. so as an idea a millionbirthdays could be billion dollars for clean water.
- right because not everybody gives just $33 on their 33rd birthday. - some add zero,some give $3.30. - great.- every dollar goes in-- - who's the firstperson to do it? - so i was birthday numberone on my 32nd but then this seven-year-old kid in austinstarts knocking on doors and he raises 22 grand. and then like holy crap.
and then jack dorseydid three birthdays. and will smithdid their birthday. - and away we went. - and away we went and89-year-olds no-no nguyen gave up her 89th birthday and wrote a mission statement and said, "you know, i'd like other peopleto have chance to turn 89." it's a really beautiful idea. our birthdays can help peopleactually have more birthdays.
you can actually pledgecharitywater.org/birthdays/. - link it up. - even if your birthday is a year from now. you've done them,i've done seven now. your kid's done one. it's a great thing. - [india] half birthdays.- half birthdays, i like that. - yeah, i'm 26 and a half--- and you raise on $26.50? - yeah.- done.
drock, book it. - [india] actually this segues to the next questionfrom clayton. - [voiceover] clayton asks, "what should people look forin a charity to know that "donations are going to a good cause?" - let's go very utilitarianhere because i got a hard stop. - go to charitynavigator.org. - this i love. go ahead.charitynavigator.org.
- you can check out a charity,however overhead is i would go to charity navigator and then iwould read dan pallotta's work. - and dan's main book?- is "uncharitable." so there's two things, you getthe numbers of how a charity spends it's money-- - and you can create morecynicism by reading the book. - you get a different viewreading the book saying that overhead is not bad andthat we made overhead back. we have overhead110 people cover it.
- got it. - then looking at how much of your money what we push for is transparency. i'm happy to give to a charitywhere $.25 of my dollar might go to a smart teamrunning good programs. i don't want 50% of my dollar. i don't want my90% of my dollar. - let me ask you this.- but i want to know. - let's take this tactsince it's slippery slope.
you know mevery, very well. if i said i'm the marketinggenius of a generation but i need the other 17, i need drock and he's fancy now hemakes movies. i need $.50 but i'm going tokill it you think you can wrap your head around that? in theory you could, right? - dan pallotta would and that is one camp that says 50% is fine.
- you're so close to it but thatfeels so aggressive but at some level i guess the energy of itcould be, the punch line is if you can feel that the overhead actually justifies the mission at hand-- - but that's it. so the transparency iswhat we are pushing for. so you might be willing to write $100,000 check and have 50 grand go.- yes. - the problem is some many peopledon't know how money's handled.
- that's right. - but i may not be or maybeyou and i are both willing. maybe india you'relike $.50 is too much. that's the only thing thatwe have been pushing for. i'm not telling peopleto adopt the 100% model. it works for us--- because you're able-- - the problem i was trying to solve. - well members thathave covered your raise. and people gived for the first time.
i hear it all the time this is the first charitable gifti've ever made my life. i just heard it lastweek someone on twitter. made the first charitable giftof my life, a, that's a little sad but that's the kind ofperson i want who doesn't trust. - i would argue it's not sad. i think back to that 42%. i was a grown man with a lot ofthoughts and a very decent dude when we sat, forget about omaha,downstairs, me, you and sacca at
that pool place and you saidthat statement and it was right. - now you haveschools in your name. and seriously, you've been able to impact the world. - and not only that to be honestwith you, i've been able to impact otherthings, not just this. sit on boards anddo other things. it changed the waythat i thought about it. in the same way that it ismy hope and dream that a 28-year-old hustler right nowwho's made a couple bucks doing
snapchat filters 'cause he gotmy advice 40 episodes ago to do that says you know what i'm goodat donate $28 right now and give away my 29th birthday.or whatever. and by the way i don't judge,you do what you want to do. you want to be 90 andnever give a dollar. everybody does what they do.- you're missing out. you can really have, it'sfun. it's a blessing to give. we were taught this growing up. you get to live vicariouslythrough all of the good,
your time and your money is doing. it doesn't need tobe charity: water. - i get it. - it's a blast. go ahead, india. - [voiceover] melissa asks, "i do work in uganda. "after clean water is creating "sustainable jobs the best way to see impact?" - i think they're a bunch ofpillars people need food,--
- you believe once water is drilled it opens up the whole gamut. - i do but jobs areincredibly important. shelter is important. food is important. health is important. we've just started with waterbecause i get to touch jobs. we hear these amazing stories ofwomen who will use the time back in their day specifically ashleyin uganda sometimes and they
will sell rice at the market, they'll sell peanuts. i was in zambia-- - by the way, we're going veryquickly here, it's how we roll. that's how this show rolls. i know my audience guys when he says, gals when he says time back these are women who would walk three hours because an hour there, 30 minutes, 20 minutesto scoop up the crap water.
brown. and then walk back. - 40 billion hours are wastedjust in africa collecting water. we need to talk the workforce. they did a study, 88-page studyout of the un, every $1 invested in water and sanitation makesthe community 4-8 times richer. it yields $4-8. jobs are incrediblyimportant and that's one of the things that's attractive to us
about water because without the time. - what's her name?- [india] her name is melissa. - melissa, thanksfor the work you do. - yeah.- yeah. awesome, lets move it. - [india] i have one more. - [voiceover] nayeli asks, "what's the best way to "fundraise for a church that isalso a community center with "limited resources?"
- all right so let's break out of our thing and go more holistic.- yeah. - one more time? what's the bestway for a church-- - [india] for a church that isalso a community center with very limited resources? - the best church campaign thatever happened was, i don't know what kind of church she goesto but this was a pretty young hipster pastor in seattle and hewas trying to show his community
that they actuallyweren't over religious. so he threw a keg party. he got a local band and hecreated a smoking section outside the church andthey raised over $500,000. 'cause the community wouldn'tnecessarily have given to the church but he actuallychose us because we were not afaith-based charity. he chose to make a statement andsay our church community we care about the world, we care about clean water.
what we don't need todo it with the strings. we don't need to doit with an agenda. that message resonated powerfulwith the seattle community. one of things now we're tryingto get entire churches to donate the birthday of everysingle person in the church. same thing. your friends gary's not going togive to my church community but he would give to myclean water campaign. it's a great way to kind ofreach outside the
walls and build bridges. - i think it comes down and itwas brought up right from the beginning. it's storytelling right? what is yourcommunity care about? what is going tocompel them to donate? you understand the context ofthe people that are part of the church community and you need tounderstand the people that are outside the community and istill believe in the context of
the show and there's many waysbut in the context of this show i think getting very aggressivearound snapchat and becoming the best snapchat player in a smalltown in south carolina as a church and then going to thelocal newspaper to write an article about how this churchis doing snapchat better than anybody it's always using newmediums that give awareness to your mission at hand through your execution of that storytelling. and so whether it's snapchat orsomething else live streaming on
facebook live for 72 straight hours, something that everybody in the world is talking about use that platform to get you awareness overwhat you're doing. - we had a fundraiser run acampaign where he listened to nickelback for seven straight days, day and night. he went to sleep with headphones on. he raised $35,000 insympathy from the community.
i would totally agree with that. we gave our snapchat to a teamin berlin a few days ago who did a takeover of charity: water'ssnapchat and they were running marathons and bangingon yellow jerry cans. stuff that we wouldhave never thought of. they were spray painting jerry cans, creating art, creating content. - i know i've gotta run and i know you've got to run but in the last two minutes, what's that?
- [india] you're fine.- okay. in the last couple of minuteshere what do we not cover for the vayner nation to knowabout you, charity: water? - ten years, you know,we're getting reflective. we've held 6.1 millionpeople out of 660 million. we're about 1% ofthe global problem. - is that crippling to you? since india said wehave a minute or two. i'm sitting here thinking abouti'm very fortunate because i've
been close enough to watch andwe don't hang out every day but i'm watching, right? boy you have hustled and forme to say you have hustled,-- - 96 flights. - to me that's a very difficultplace to go for me to like put one on i respect your hustlethat's hard for me to go there. i really respect your hustle. for as hard as you grind, for as many conversations,
selling people one by one. selling the story.biz deving. how many flights a year?- did almost 100. 96. - and these are not like what i do. like, "hey, letme go to atlanta." - we've never bought a business class ticket in thehistory of the organization. - i really watch from afar andvery honestly and this a good opportunity for meto say this publicly.
you did such a good job sellingme my level of cynicism started off was like when's the other shoe going to drop, right? we've talked aboutthis on a personal level. i get it from thebusiness advice. - and then i started havingkids and then we're good. - it was interesting to watch. for as hard as you've hustled, for as talented as you've done
for all these crazy names thathave been associated for all the big impacts the charity events, the gala in the different ways you've done it, you know, boy, for everybody who is watching that i say, "patience, patience,patience," it's gotta be a little bit disheartening that you're adecade in and 1% of the problem. i don't believe knowing howambitious you are and optimistic as i am as well.- that that's good enough.
- i don't think you would've satthere 10 years ago if we were buddies from hunterdon and i said, "bro, weird thing i'm a genie. "in 10 years we're gonna besitting with india and drock and "i'm going to tellyou, you crushed it. "you gone as hard as you thoughtyou wanted to go and great news, "you've moved the needle by 1%." - so it's tough. i actually appreciate that youask this because most people
take the other tact. and they say, "did you have any ideas youwould be so successful? "did you have any idea guysfrom a cold start would raise a "quarter of $1 billion from "1 million people who didn't trust charity?" "scott, you've transformed19,000 communities, "your community has. "you've been a catalyst in19,000 communities,
"in 24 countries and 6.1 million lives." and i was like, "dude,i thought we'd be 10x." i thought it would be 50 million people served by now. it's hard. as we said in the beginning it'shard to get people to care, bro. (laughter) - you're right.- it's not in your face. your kids aren'tdrinking dirty water.
your mom neverwalked eight hours. these people livethousands of miles away. you're not selling them product. they are not useful. the poorest people, trapped inthe water crisis are not useful. they're not goingto buy our products. - let me ask youa crazy question. another thing thatnobody would ask you. i'm sitting here and i'mlistening and then i'm also
thinking about all theemails that i get every day. emails that i'm on welfare. i owe $400,000for student loans. my dad died last weekand i have to provide. i get some pretty gnarly emails. - i'm sure you giveto a lot of them. - yeah but that'sactually not where i'm going. i'm sitting here and thinkingthey're watching this and they've got their own problems.- mhmmm.
- i sometimes think about thepeople that are less fortunate in my inner circle. friends i grew up with.college buddies. relatives. this is a really funny question, i love doing what i do in a very narrow world with far morevanity and less nobleness than what you are up to. no question because i love theway it makes me feel by making less money but making,
somebody emailing me and saying, "you've made my business life better." i get a high from that. do you believe and this is wherei am poking at the audience, a lot of people don't have a lotof money, a lot of people are in debt yet they're verycomfortable buying a $600 iphone while still inthat circumstance. just true.let's call it what it is.
do you think it's actuallyinnately human to not be wired, this a really serious questionfor me and i'm curious from your perspective and i don't believeyou actually have the answer i want your opinion. do you think people areinherently, not selfish because i would say that's wrong, but doyou think people don't get off or get a high from giving? because i do and i knowit's my biggest advantage.
i actually think i have all mythings because i was blessed with the dna ofthe high of giving. i say 51/49 inbusiness all the time. i genuinely want the leverageand the feeling of giving more than getting in return because i'm good. do you think that that is aactual human hardwiring that most people they'relike cool whatever bro. you're right it's not my faceand you don't know my problems. i need escapism, i'm going tobuy netflix instead of helping
some kid i don't know in acountry that i don't care about. - i think selfishness iseasier in the default. being a dad nowseeing how selfish my little human being is. and kind of training him aboutsharing and patience all these like they're muscleshave to work. however, i think the more yougive the more you want to give. it unlocks something. we talk here aboutgetting addicted to giving.
you start giving to us, thenyou started giving to pencils. - that's it. - then you startedgiving other stuff. you're like wait, this is fun. now, i can give some time. now, i can give some connections. it's one of those thingsand is not about the money. there people watching that mightbe able to give five dollars. - it's the energy.
- what i've been amazed by someof the people in the greatest need are the most generous and that is what perplexed me. we did a campaign earlyon with saks fifth avenue. it was a very simple idea. right, women come in and buy$5,000 handbags let's also get them to sponsor water projects. - you thought this wasgoing to be a home run. - it was, however, what was themost inspiring thing that sachs
wound up raising $700,000to their community but the employees in the jackson, mississippi call center started selling their personal jewelry to raise enough money so that a well could be built onbehalf of the call center. - love it.- and the ceo was like, "these people, many of them are on minimum wage." - it's the rich thatare supposed to giving.
it's the women that are maybe buying a $5000 handbag that would feel guilty. no, and that is inspiring. so you latch onto that. it's the widow's might. those are the stories that we are talking about 2,000 years later. i think giving is an exercise, the more you do, give time, give talent,
give money, the more you do themore you want to do and the more it changes you for the better. the more changes your family. the more impacts your legacy. thanks for having me, dude. - of course. every guest gets to ask the question of the day. and a lot of people answer what
question do you have for the audience? - okay. - a question that youwould like insight to. your being, this whole show,hopefully inspires a small group to maybe do something insteadof that route is generally like some insight on?- yeah. - hundreds and hundreds ofpeople could leave comments on facebook and youtube.- yes. so our challenge is we've gotten1 million people to give once
over the decade. we've helped 6 million people. we start at zero every year. january 1 we have to godo it all over again. we have to re-inspire people. i need to go remind him that hisfamily is making a difference. - it's true. - we are trying to builda monthly giving program. we're trying to build asubscription program and
innovate and weactually don't know how yet. the sponsor-a-child model,everybody is familiar with. 30 years ago bunch of charitiessaid if i hook gary up with a kid he's going to stay for10 years until that kid. - sally?- yeah. right, and you're not going tostop giving $38 a month because sally might beout on the street. - it was a verypowerful idea that connection. we are starting with a white piece of paper,
what does look like for charity: water to take 1 million people who gave once and get them to give fivebucks a month, a dollar a month, 30 bucks a month, a hundredbucks a month and bring them along for the next 10 years tomake a 10x impact? and we don't know what that experience is like. we have 2470 monthly givers,we just broke $1 million which about 1/50 of the revenue of the organization or thedonation revenue.
what is theexperience look like? - what are your thoughtsas business thinkers,-- - business thinkers,what would you want? - what would you want thatexcites you to give seven bucks a month or-- - 30 bucks can giveone person clean water. - so 30 bucks a month. - and at the end of the yearthey gave 12 people clean water we can show them what that does.
what sticks where you're at six months and you fall on hard times? you're gonna pay your netflix bill, you're gonnapay your spotify bill. here's what actually happens. people will lose their creditcard and they won't re-sign up for the giving. how would we make thatsuch a compelling program? how do we inspire people for thenext decade so that instead of
the drive-by, hey i saw this podcast. that's cool 100%on a hundred bucks. - what's the next scalableversion of the birthday thing? - recurring.- where we can count on it and we can plan for the future. we're piloting it. we got 2470 people. we'd invite anybody to joinbut if you have ideas-- - i got ideas.
- we have a wholeteam working on it. - you keep asking questions this man will continue to change the world. thanks, bro.- thanks. what's up guys? hope you enjoyed the show. please do i get tolink it up anywhere? is it in here oris it down below? is it in print or in my video?
- [staphon] it'll be down there to your left. - it's here down to my left. right here, there's a button for them to subscribe to myyoutube video? yeah, it's thatlittle buggy thing. that's right guys, click this. that's right, use that.