Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

ngo job vacancies 2016

ngo job vacancies 2016

welcome to topic two of icva’s humanitarianfinancing learning stream: demystifying ngo access to un humanitarian funding. throughout this topic, we will discuss: ♣ who are the key un agencies partneringwith ngos? ♣ what are the overall considerations andcriteria when partnering with ngos? and; ♣ what processes and procedures must ngosfollow to pursue these partnerships? in 2015, un agencies such as wfp, unhcr andunicef, received over 52% of tracked direct humanitarian funding. these un agencies often rely on ngo partnersto deliver humanitarian aid and protection.

for example, in 2014, unhcr channeled 40%of its expenditure through approximately 720 ngos; with wfp programming 75% to approximately1000 ngos. different un agencies use different approachesto manage ngo partnerships. it is challenging for ngos to understand andcomply with the diversity and complexity of these arrangements. the good news is that unhcr, wfp joined agenciesand donors in signing the grand bargain on humanitarian financing. this commits to harmonizing partnership agreementsand sharing partner assessment information, simplifying and harmonizing reporting requirements,and funding national and local responders

as directly as possible. join us in our live learning event on 12 octoberwith wfp, unhcr and ngo representatives as we discuss the various experiences, lessonsand suggestions concerning partnerships and funding between un agencies and ngos. visit icva’s website to learn more and registernow.